Postnatal doulas are there for new parents to reduce the overwhelm, to lighten the load and help you stay calm, contented and keep that oxytocin love bubble in tact.
We can remove the 'awkwardness' some may find of asking for help from family and friends. You don't have to feel like you need to host, or clean the house, or get dressed for that matter. A postnatal doula has no expectations and 'gets it'. You don't have to make conversation if you don't want to and you can be as open and honest as you like.
A postnatal doula isn't there to give instructions, or to judge, a postnatal doula is your cheerleader, your shoulder to lean on, and your sounding board. A postnatal doula's support can differ every session, or you can fall into a routine once you both find your feet.
My approach to my work is to be a sister figure to my client, someone you can laugh or cry with, talk to or be silent with, and support you in your choices.
The process of matrescence, when you are transitioning into a mother and changing into the new person you have become is something that needs support from your village and I am there to be part of the village.
If you would like to know more please get in touch hello@ginnycroxford.co.uk or visit my postnatal doula services page.