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A bit about me

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Ginny Croxford

Postnatal Doula and Infant Feeding Coach

Hello, and thank you for taking the time to find out more about me and what I can do for you.

Based in north Essex, I live with my two young daughters and my partner. Since my beautiful girls were born I have felt all the emotions, experienced the highs and lows that come with breastfeeding, the sleepless nights, and the fierce maternal love and protectiveness that comes with having a newborn.

I like to bring an element of humour to my job, don't get me wrong there is a time and a place but I think laughter and seeing the funny side can really can be the best medicine sometimes.  

When I'm not supporting families I enjoy watching films, travelling, yoga and pilates, eating chocolate, and spending quality time with friends and family. 


My Philosophy

During my maternity leave with my youngest, I spent many sleep deprived hours daydreaming about supporting new parents who were maybe feeling the same as me.

I couldn't keep up with how I was feeling one moment to the next, and I was desperate to talk to someone who really understood. I wanted someone to 'just get it' and help lighten the mental and physical load, but I didn't really know what I needed (apart from more sleep!)

When mat leave was over and I was back to my old job, I discovered that postnatal doulas existed - I signed up to train almost immediately wishing I'd known about them sooner!​



Settling into life with a newborn whether it is your first, second or third baby can feel daunting and overwhelming at times.


I firmly believe that we are not supposed to do this alone. These days we have to find our own village, but the right support is out there and can make all the difference to your postnatal experience. 

With the right network of support around you during pregnancy and after birth, the journey into parenthood can feel a smoother, and more relaxed one.


My Learning

Infant Feeding Coach course; Infant Feeding Academy.

Postnatal Planning course; Younique Postnatal. 

Paediatric First Aid course; St John Ambulance.

Understanding Newborns Workshop; Younique Postnatal.

Postnatal Doula Initial Preparation Course; Younique Postnatal.

Baby Massage Instructor; To Baby and Beyond (currently studying)

Baby Yoga Instructor; To Baby and Beyond (currently studying) 

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