Many parents to parents find themselves leaving feeding to chance and figure it out as they go when baby arrives. Some are lucky enough to have a smooth feeding journey but some parents find that due to lack of information or too many conflicting pieces of advice, their feeding journey can be tough, and not how they envisioned all those months ago when they found out they were pregnant.
Learning about your options in pregnancy, what these all entail, and having an idea of your goals for feeding is a great way to kick off your feeding journey.
Working with an infant feeding coach/counsellor in pregnancy is a great way to get tailored advice and support.

How an infant feeding coach can help you prepare for breastfeeding and bottle feeding:
explain the importance of the first golden hours after birth
help you understand what colostrum is and its benefits to baby
provide information and guidance on hand expressing, and the benefits before and after birth
explain what a good latch looks like
give you examples of good positioning and options you can try
explain how to know if baby is getting enough milk
provide information on how to prepare bottles and equipment
give an overview on paced bottle feeding and tips on teats, pumps and bottles
explain about mixed feeding
provide options on what to do if baby is not latching at first
signpost you to your local support network