Does the idea of hand expressing in pregnancy feel a little bit like a big fat nope!?
It definitely did to me. But unfortunately I didn't know WHY it was such a useful tool to have in my back pocket!
Hand expressing is actually pretty simply to get the hang of and once you've tried it a few times you get used to it - and how amazing is it when you can see what your body produces for your baby! I think it's magical.
The main benefits of hand expressing in pregnancy:
In pregnancy hand expressing can help you collect colostrum - the first milk you make for your baby which is full of concentrated nutrients and a great boost for their immune system. Colostrum is a much better option for baby than formula if for some reason there is an issue with breastfeeding to start with.
It's great practise for expressing during your feeding journey.
It helps you feel confident to breastfeed - studies show that hand expressing in pregnancy increases confidence with and length of time you end up breastfeeding your baby!
Hand expressing is not in fact a last resort if you don't get on with a pump - it's great if you're engorged early on after birth, if you need to maintain milk supply if you're away from your baby for any reason AND it's much cheaper (and quieter!) than a pump!
You can hand express and collect colostrum from around 36 weeks but please make sure you discuss this with your midwife before going ahead.
For a step by step video tutorial by UNICEF on how to hand express follow this link.